Posted by: Ofer Aronskind | September 2, 2011

What to do When the Power Goes Out

One good thing about no electricity and no running water and a hurricane outside your window….you’re forced to stay inside and you’re forced to entertain yourselves. No TV, no computers or ichat or video games…nothing. My boys and I picked up an old dusty board game called Monopoly and actually played. And guess what…it was fun. Buying, selling, trading, exchanging money…occasionally exchanging some colorful language. But hey, we’re engaging each other, we’re interacting. After Monopoly (wow, I forgot just how long it takes) we shifted over to Scrabble (my personal favorite). At least there I can show off my linguistic talents and rich vocabulary…Yeah, right. I got beat there as well. I mean come on, what can you do when you keep pulling bad letters.

While the storm kept whipping about outside we moved on to Othello, Risk and eventually poker. We had fun. I wish the power would go off a little more often … even if its just for a couple of hours one night a month.


  1. Sounds like a fun family day. You take every opportunity to bond with your boys…it’s wonderful. Hope you really enjoyed Scrabble…i love it but i have to resort to my kindlle:)

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